"Only exaggeration can make things clear.", by fauxnick (2024)


Rhetoricians in Late Antiquity 01:21


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Off Eddy getting politely asked by Matt to leave as impassioned we discussed the political merits of men razor blading their legs at one AM I was on my way out anyway (47)Inveterately rhetoric seems something akin to a plaything of nonsense is that basically frowned upon in this era? (34)Made members of the mafia replete with YouTube channels you're on the precipice of forty praying to get permanently pushed to pavement by a stray RIPTA bus on Point Street (45)Puking up a mint hookah in a Pizza J parking lot people enjoy smoking marijuana because they become less likely to get bounced from bistros and bars grab the damn wet wipes please? (47)The true beauty of rhetoric is found in um double shots of vodka and bummed American Spirits from people quoting Big Pun lyrics I don't agree or disagree (41)


Thomas Bernhard in an Ali Pasha Mosque 02:10


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Eating puss* on an immanent plane reading books but in an innocent way I discovered Thomas Bernhard spent some time at an Ali Pasha mosque I wasn't shocked (41)Tossing darts at the impotent no one said mercy necessitates some universal innocence consumerism loses vision of an indivisible Oneness (41)Marx thought quite highly of discrete units on a roof lit above Broad Street orders of ice coffees in informal Spanish sound like they're emerging from a circus megaphone (43)Two dimensions is understudied man's best buddy ages like sped up podcasts my beta fish Larry lived for half a decade above three rocks from a Taco Bell parking lot (44)The live band said they had tees in their SUVs as I suddenly realized I may have misunderstood a bar fly's intention is it possible baseless presumptions can also veer from the truth? (48)


More Akin to a Conceptual Counterpoint 03:06


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I told Mario ‘You know yo quiero lo siento I don’t know maybe some yo tengo’ his cousin exhibited three and a half of thirty two teeth I’ve detested rationalism since my sweet sixteen. (52)A newly minted couple shares a newly lit solemn thin cigarette as I drunkenly question the method of Twenty Three and Me with a Portuguese immigrant I just met (45)Who wants to be reintroduced to their own multitudes?—I feel convoluted connections with select architectural structures (34)Yet another grotesque binary construction my significant other is a bundle of my securitized interpersonal shortcomings (37)The holy legato of spoken language asexually passes through select edifices I puked twice in July once it was a vegan Oreo smoothie once it was living my life as a lie. (50)


Grotesque Binary Constructions 01:36


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Chord change seventh chords variations among geometric shapes and sh*t tricep dips decimal points considering you have an undiscovered mental disorder or if perhaps demons exist (49)I find the post-COVID inflation of light beers demonic in character a country club wedding's hysterical you'll never see any of these f*cks again (40)Landscapes change for Lent you look at a patch of grass and it refracts to black understandably some are hesitant to take that as that but how can you f*cking edit what's sent to you? (43)Plagiarism psychotherapy wanes in cache it's a fact I called a twelve year old gay but he was acting c*nty for a bunch of the afternoon (36)What you create doesn't necessarily cater to you my Aunt Dena owes me an eighties era Cadillac my dad said it crashed yet I never saw proof of that (41)


Parmenides Wrote A Poem 02:16


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A nipple emerges on Main Street with a brimless hat I have a taint for TSA to taste select members of a West End Planet Fitness seem to visit in NPC intervals my stock phrases escape me (48)Tony's titt*es drooped like tear drop tattoos at a certain juncture I said f*ck you the voices in my mind are the real ones is that still a sign of being batsh*t crazy? (43)Ingo Swann's autobiography's audiobook on YouTube aliens at grocery stores I'm at Urban Green perusing overpriced pineapple fractal geometry's a hole in the floor (48)Mineral Spring vape shops Parlour improvisation the doorman enjoys maqam music subpar vegetable broth off Power Street zesty with horny GILFs at Mezzo (42)He said Oh you live off Woodward in falsetto he actually got whacked off there twice a year discussing donuts with structural engineers with wire rims that find your opinions on picture taking in poor taste (53)


Sitting Alone at the Elmhurst Pub at 1AM 02:04


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She admitted if a male wore a fitted cap to just go to quote-unquote CVS that that was an act deserving of examination and you nodded you cranium just slightly erect (47)The purple beam under my old stove struck me as black American in essence as I laid face up on the floor for an extended period (36)Sitting by myself at the Elmhurst Pub at approximately one AM I was reminded of casino Christmas parties with middle aged floozies who still sought dick (42)It's been beyond a half decade since the insect's corpse survived a strong rain in outline form on the laminated map of the Seekonk River (35)I said If you can't see yourself as the penis of Jesus then you'll never understand Allah with an authentically minimal amount of irony evident in my tone (46)


Tapas is Actually Enjoyable 01:40


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In absolutely no way shape or form do I regret expressing my vicious disgust with modern photography among young mothers who dedicate their Instagrams to infants (45)It's essential in my mind that we question the intrinsic value of the frozen image in fact of anything we note to be quote-unquote frozen in time (40)Laotian hookah bar on Douglas Avenue abandoned basketball court on Douglas Avenue recalling my own decade old imagined images also on Douglas Avenue (46)Have you been by any chance to that new Tapas place off Wickendon ‘suck my penis’ I said I haven't had exceptional sushi since Tokyo closed (38)Apparently Parmenides believed a divine being of some sort informed him of a certain indivisible oneness which moved him to write a poem (40)


We're More Despicable Than Anyone in Jail 02:09


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On the chest press adjacent a stress test relayed a series of wall panels shifting of their own accord to which reminded myself of being completely sober (42)f*cking chalk it up to some intermittent vegan B Twelve deficiency or I'm just losing my mind which historically happens from time to time (37)At times it seems like you're often in the process of for lack of a better wording losing your goddamned mind and I find that curious and/or disturbing don't you? (41)Often the text retains Byzantine intricacy because of traditions that may not even be our own outside Tripoli two hundred years past September twenty three (43)I feel the blood from my veins on my face horrific violence still appears somewhat regularly in dreams time travel isn't mythical it actually happens intermittently (46)


A Jumble of Spoken Words 01:42


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The gaze of others considering faithful lovers whose sole request was to express how you obviously felt in some remotely comprehensible jumble of spoken words (44)Instead you chose to query some old bag on her actual age like it was sort of novel notion the cubicle blows its own brains out we can't strain out imperfection from memories (46)We're little more than big babies who want to reconvene with our Maker there's something f*cking immanent here and It's relaying Itself in what can only be called a circuitous fashion (47)April five into six two hundred years amiss the middle aged redhead who doubled as the sub-Saharan bag you shamelessly fornicated with? (38)Two as one suggest in a quaint manner we wake up yet the words struck us as statements that hardly even needed to be uttered at all (34)


Glancing at a Homeless Man Sleeping Quaintly on a Patch of Grass 02:23


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‘I try to describe what I’m feeling inside’ a guy wears an old tee inside out explains with unearned confidence why he adorns himself is such attire (38)Basking in our bourgeois tartuffery we're actually considerably more despicable than anyone in prison for any sentence of committed crime (42)In fact glancing at a hobo quaintly napping on a patch of grass behind a Broad Street bus stop I find his life decisions worthy of distinction I'm inspired (40)Packs of scattered needles discarded Double Whopper wrappers a dilapidated wheelchair there's wisdom in this unwinding of modern capital concerns (39)Are you in love with the well-worn architecture of this place or is it people who perplex you an ironic mustached man gets into what seems to be a relatively new Nissan Rogue (47)


Projections of Your Own Single Self 01:16


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Even Moses had sh*t to deal with on South Street nonlocal intervals become rowdy perhaps instead of a parallel universe your f*cking genetic history requests a brief word with you (49)You've been reminded of things you implicitly understand memory's a f*cking scam yet all of this sh*t can only be expressed in um (34)Should we say circuitous fashions the same abstract manner you enjoy indulging in with others which results in people without exception failing to comprehend what the f*ck it is you're trying to say (52)You own a tendency of expressing things in obscure fashions that invite absence which is perhaps the most accurate way of comprehending this strain of befuddlement (43)Yet all of these people are nothing but projections of your own single self wall panels shift it's not B Twelve it's your favorite doppelganger in hell (38)


You Don't Exist 02:10


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It’s your birthday We should inform you of where you actually are you’ve been selected to experience horrific dreams how else can We convey this it’s a clear sign for your birthday (46)What We give to you is the simple fact you exist simply two hundred years ago as well as two hundred and two years ago leave the city (36)Find a village some sh*t about cherries you’ll begin again a new name and life but know that the horrors you witnessed will stay with you in dream (35)This is why the wall panels move why ironic mustached men ride in Nissan Rogues until you repent!—until you return to Us in the form We intended (39)In a place where you don’t exist where you’ve yet to truly discover the meaning of the mirrors We’ve placed in homes and automobiles in this realm (36)Where architecture speaks where old bags confirm their ages when asked it may seem paradoxical in concept but it’s entirely sensible leave the syllogisms to the side—We genuinely wish you a happy birthday! (55)

Something about fractal geometry and only existing on two specific dates two hundred years and two hundred and two years in the past in war torn regions of the Eastern Mediterranean or something. "Thus Allah is your mirror in which you see yourself, and you are His mirror in which He sees His Names. His Names are not other than Himself, as you know. The matter is confusing."

Fibonacci Sequence: 1, 2, 3, [5], 8, 13, 21, [34], [55], [89], 144, [233], [377], 600, 987, 1597, 2584 . . .

Each verse consists of 5 lines
Each line has a minimum of 34 syllables
Each line has a maximum of 55 syllables
Each beat is set to 89 beats per minute
English is spoken at a tempo of ~233 syllables per minute
Each verse is performed at a tempo of ~377 syllables per minute




Off Eddy getting politely asked by Matt to leave as impassioned we discussed the political merits of men razor blading their legs at one AM I was on my way out anyway (47)
Inveterately rhetoric seems something akin to a plaything of nonsense is that basically frowned upon in this era? (34)

Made members of the mafia replete with YouTube channels you're on the precipice of forty praying to get permanently pushed to pavement by a stray RIPTA bus on Point Street (45)
Puking up a mint hookah in a Pizza J parking lot people enjoy smoking marijuana because they become less likely to get bounced from bistros and bars grab the damn wet wipes please? (47)
The true beauty of rhetoric is found in um double shots of vodka and bummed American Spirits from people quoting Big Pun lyrics I don't agree or disagree (41)


Eating puss* on an immanent plane reading books but in an innocent way I discovered Thomas Bernhard spent some time at an Ali Pasha mosque I wasn't shocked (41)
Tossing darts at the impotent no one said mercy necessitates some universal innocence consumerism loses vision of an indivisible Oneness (41)

Marx thought quite highly of discrete units on a roof lit above Broad Street orders of ice coffees in informal Spanish sound like they're emerging from a circus megaphone (43)
Two dimensions is understudied man's best buddy ages like sped up podcasts my beta fish Larry lived for half a decade above three rocks from a Taco Bell parking lot (44)
The live band said they had tees in their SUVs as I suddenly realized I may have misunderstood a bar fly's intention is it possible baseless presumptions can also veer from the truth? (48)


I told Mario ‘You know yo quiero lo siento I don’t know maybe some yo tengo’ his cousin exhibited three and a half of thirty two teeth I’ve detested rationalism since my sweet sixteen. (52)
A newly minted couple shares a newly lit solemn thin cigarette as I drunkenly question the method of Twenty Three and Me with a Portuguese immigrant I just met (45)
Who wants to be reintroduced to their own multitudes?—I feel convoluted connections with select architectural structures (34)

Yet another grotesque binary construction my significant other is a bundle of my securitized interpersonal shortcomings (37)
The holy legato of spoken language asexually passes through select edifices I puked twice in July once it was a vegan Oreo smoothie once it was living my life as a lie. (50)


Chord change seventh chords variations among geometric shapes and sh*t tricep dips decimal points considering you have an undiscovered mental disorder or if perhaps demons exist (49)
I find the post-COVID inflation of light beers demonic in character a country club wedding's hysterical you'll never see any of these f*cks again (40)
Landscapes change for Lent you look at a patch of grass and it refracts to black understandably some are hesitant to take that as that but how can you f*cking edit what's sent to you? (43)

Plagiarism psychotherapy wanes in cache it's a fact I called a twelve year old gay but he was acting c*nty for a bunch of the afternoon (36)
What you create doesn't necessarily cater to you my Aunt Dena owes me an eighties era Cadillac my dad said it crashed yet I never saw proof of that (41)


A nipple emerges on Main Street with a brimless hat I have a taint for TSA to taste select members of a West End Planet Fitness seem to visit in NPC intervals my stock phrases escape me (48)
Tony's titt*es drooped like tear drop tattoos at a certain juncture I said f*ck you the voices in my mind are the real ones is that still a sign of being batsh*t crazy? (43)
Ingo Swann's autobiography's audiobook on YouTube aliens at grocery stores I'm at Urban Green perusing overpriced pineapple fractal geometry's a hole in the floor (48)

Mineral Spring vape shops Parlour improvisation the doorman enjoys maqam music subpar vegetable broth off Power Street zesty with horny GILFs at Mezzo (42)
He said Oh you live off Woodward in falsetto he actually got whacked off there twice a year discussing donuts with structural engineers with wire rims that find your opinions on picture taking in poor taste (53)


She admitted if a male wore a fitted cap to just go to quote-unquote CVS that that was an act deserving of examination and you nodded you cranium just slightly erect (47)
The purple beam under my old stove struck me as black American in essence as I laid face up on the floor for an extended period (36)
Sitting by myself at the Elmhurst Pub at approximately one AM I was reminded of casino Christmas parties with middle aged floozies who still sought dick (42)

It's been beyond a half decade since the insect's corpse survived a strong rain in outline form on the laminated map of the Seekonk River (35)
I said If you can't see yourself as the penis of Jesus then you'll never understand Allah with an authentically minimal amount of irony evident in my tone (46)


In absolutely no way shape or form do I regret expressing my vicious disgust with modern photography among young mothers who dedicate their Instagrams to infants (45)
It's essential in my mind that we question the intrinsic value of the frozen image in fact of anything we note to be quote-unquote frozen in time (40)
Laotian hookah bar on Douglas Avenue abandoned basketball court on Douglas Avenue recalling my own decade old imagined images also on Douglas Avenue (46)

Have you been by any chance to that new Tapas place off Wickendon ‘suck my penis’ I said I haven't had exceptional sushi since Tokyo closed (38)
Apparently Parmenides believed a divine being of some sort informed him of a certain indivisible oneness which moved him to write a poem (40)


On the chest press adjacent a stress test relayed a series of wall panels shifting of their own accord to which reminded myself of being completely sober (42)
f*cking chalk it up to some intermittent vegan B Twelve deficiency or I'm just losing my mind which historically happens from time to time (37)
At times it seems like you're often in the process of for lack of a better wording losing your goddamned mind and I find that curious and/or disturbing don't you? (41)

Often the text retains Byzantine intricacy because of traditions that may not even be our own outside Tripoli two hundred years past September twenty three (43)
I feel the blood from my veins on my face horrific violence still appears somewhat regularly in dreams time travel isn't mythical it actually happens intermittently (46)


The gaze of others considering faithful lovers whose sole request was to express how you obviously felt in some remotely comprehensible jumble of spoken words (44)
Instead you chose to query some old bag on her actual age like it was sort of novel notion the cubicle blows its own brains out we can't strain out imperfection from memories (46)
We're little more than big babies who want to reconvene with our Maker there's something f*cking immanent here and It's relaying Itself in what can only be called a circuitous fashion (47)

April five into six two hundred years amiss the middle aged redhead who doubled as the sub-Saharan bag you shamelessly fornicated with? (38)
Two as one suggest in a quaint manner we wake up yet the words struck us as statements that hardly even needed to be uttered at all (34)


‘I try to describe what I’m feeling inside’ a guy wears an old tee inside out explains with unearned confidence why he adorns himself is such attire (38)
Basking in our bourgeois tartuffery we're actually considerably more despicable than anyone in prison for any sentence of committed crime (42)
In fact glancing at a hobo quaintly napping on a patch of grass behind a Broad Street bus stop I find his life decisions worthy of distinction I'm inspired (40)

Packs of scattered needles discarded Double Whopper wrappers a dilapidated wheelchair there's wisdom in this unwinding of modern capital concerns (39)
Are you in love with the well-worn architecture of this place or is it people who perplex you an ironic mustached man gets into what seems to be a relatively new Nissan Rogue (47)


Even Moses had sh*t to deal with on South Street nonlocal intervals become rowdy perhaps instead of a parallel universe your f*cking genetic history requests a brief word with you (49)
You've been reminded of things you implicitly understand memory's a f*cking scam yet all of this sh*t can only be expressed in um (34)
Should we say circuitous fashions the same abstract manner you enjoy indulging in with others which results in people without exception failing to comprehend what the f*ck it is you're trying to say (52)

You own a tendency of expressing things in obscure fashions that invite absence which is perhaps the most accurate way of comprehending this strain of befuddlement (43)
Yet all of these people are nothing but projections of your own single self wall panels shift it's not B Twelve it's your favorite doppelganger in hell (38)


It’s your birthday We should inform you of where you actually are you’ve been selected to experience horrific dreams how else can We convey this it’s a clear sign for your birthday (46)
What We give to you is the simple fact you exist simply two hundred years ago as well as two hundred and two years ago leave the city (36)
Find a village some sh*t about cherries you’ll begin again a new name and life but know that the horrors you witnessed will stay with you in dream (35)

This is why the wall panels move why ironic mustached men ride in Nissan Rogues until you repent!—until you return to Us in the form We intended (39)
In a place where you don’t exist where you’ve yet to truly discover the meaning of the mirrors We’ve placed in homes and automobiles in this realm (36)

Where architecture speaks where old bags confirm their ages when asked it may seem paradoxical in concept but it’s entirely sensible leave the syllogisms to the side—We genuinely wish you a happy birthday! (55)

"Only exaggeration can make things clear.", by fauxnick (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.