Everett Press from Everett, Pennsylvania (2024)

Page Three THE EVERETT PRESS Friday, Jan. 30, 1948. RIDDLESBURG son of Everett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Diehl.

Jack Davis Jr. of Blue Knob MOTORISTS WARNED OF DEADLINES EVERETT HOSPITAL (spent the week-end with his Albert Guyer, student at Juniata College, brought the message in the Church of the Brethren on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and son were Sunday guests of Miller Shauf's in Hopewell.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Diehl and Ernest Zimmerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kiah Zimmerman, has enrolled aS a student at the Shippensburg State Teachers College.

Prank Fleischman has transferred to the same college. Very little time remains for car inspection in Pennsylvania, Keystone Automobile Club warns in a statement urging motorists to act immediately if they want to OFFICE GIVES ADVICE During 1947, the- Altoona office of the Social Security Administration received 1274 claims for oldr age and survivors insurance payments, according" to C. Randall Wilson, manager of the office. Included in. this figure- are claims filed by workers over 65, children under 18 of workers who had ref tired or died, and widows, parents, and other survivors of deceased workers.

Although the number of claims get under the wire before the January 31 deadline. This date also is the deadline for the 1947 ft operators' licenses. To operate lawfully after February 1, car owners-must have the current inspection stickers and 1948 drivers WANTED All Kinds of Logs HIGHEST CASH PRICES GEORGE H. LEHMAN COMPANY Phone 253M Everett, Pa. licenses.

Indications are, according to received is fairly large, Mr. Wilson statetd that he is concerned about other persons who may be eligible the Club, that many thousands granaparenis, Mr. ana Mrs. Harry Lloyd. On Friday eVening Mrs.

Paul LePores gave a farewell party for her brothers, Benny, Jerry, Richard and Rodney, who expect to leave with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Smith for Anchorage, Alaska, where they will make their home. The boys received many lovely and useful gifts. Games were played and refreshments served by their sisters, Marjorie, Mildred and Betty, to twenty-five guests.

Miss Marjorie Cottle of Washington, D. C. is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Vincent Smith and sisters, Betty LePores and Mildred Minnick. Mrs.

Albert Guyer, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Shuck, remains about the same. Her son, Lawrence Guyer, of New Enterprise, visited her on Sunday.

On Sunday, January 18, the following helped Mr. Clay Fink celebrate his 73rd birthday with a delicious dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Eichelberger, Lowell and Edwin Fink, Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Oaks and daughter, Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zimmerman and son, Allen, Harry O'Neal all of Hopewell, and Mr. and Mrs. ADMITTED Mrs.

Rae Miller, Clearville, for hysterectomy. Isa Jane Davis, R. D. 1, Clearville, for appendectomy. Wendell Henry, Fort Littleton, for appendectomy.

Wanda Clark, Everett, for surgery. Stella Swope, Needmore, for tonsillectomy. David Garthoff, Dudley, for tonsillectomy. Nancy Hendershot, Everett, Pa. for medical treatment.

Mrs. Phyllis Weicht, Everett, for confinement. Mrs. Betty Suter, Bedford, for confinement. Mrs.

Ada Wigfield, Artemas, for confinement. Mrs- Dorothy Beamer, Bedford, for confinement. Mrs. Hope Wright, Wells Tannery, for confinement. BORN Baby boy to Mr.

and Mrs. Jack of cars will be immobilized because of failure of owners to have for benefits, but who have never filed application for them. He their vehicles inspected in the (c 1 early part of the 3-month period. the GREATEST It always happens, Club officials said, that a large percentage of car owners wait until the closing therefore advises persons over 65 who have worked in jobs covered by the Social Security Act to get in (touch with his office, if they have not already done so. It is advisable for the workers to check up on his rights even if he is still working.

Even though the work days of the period only to And that Official Inspection Stations ON are unable to handle the last-minute rush. er is not permanently retired, he Weather conditions also are a may receive payments for months in which he does not work because of illness or layoff. Applications serious factor at this time of the year, most of the inspection stations being busy with emergency calls, in addition to heavy seasonal repair work. G. Weicht, Everett, Pa.

must be filed promptly, however, to avoid the danger of loss of bene- Baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred FUNERAL SERVICE Highest type at reasonable cost Warren H. Rep log le Phone 224 Everett, Pa. Ambulance Service Suter, Bedford, Pa.

fits. I State officials are not inclined When a person who has worked -Harold Zimmerman and son Paul Baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. L. Wigfield, Artemas, Pa.

Baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. John to extend the time, declaring that the 3-month inspection per in jobs covered by the law dies, the survivors should communicate with the Social Security Adminis iod is ample time for all inspec Beamer, Bedford, Pa. Baby boy to Mr. and Mrs.

Nor tions, and further emphasizing that the State has gone to con tration. If the workerwas in man Wright, Wells Tannery, Pa. sured under the law, monthly and daughter Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Fink, Stanley Fink and Charles Aller of Riddlesburg.

Miss Betty Mort and Mr. Bill Campbell of Washington, D. spent several days with Wilford Mort. Mrs. Belle Grubb is numbered among the sick.

siderable expense in the use of benefits may be payable if he left i advertising to keep motorists advised of the necessity for early DISCHARGED Mrs. Dorothy Batzel, R. D. 2, compliance with the inspection Everett, Pa. children under 18 or a widow over 65.

If there are no persons immediately eligible for the monthly benefits, a lump-sum death pay rules. Ada Lake, R. D. 1, McConnells- burg. ment may be made to the widow HOPEWELL Mrs.

Betty Foor, R. 3, Everett. Mrs Kathrine Horton and baby SURPRISE PARTY FOR MRS. RICHARD MAY of the insured worker or to the person who paid his burial expenses. Claims for monthly be New Enterprise, Pa.

A surprise party was held Jan. lc I To ROTZ nefits must be filed within three months of the death to avoid loss, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Whitfield served a delicious cfcicken dinner Saturday night to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Griffith of Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. while lump-sum claims must be Mrs- Alice Arcq, Langdondale. Wanda Clark, Everett, Pa. Stella Swope, Needmore, Pa.

David Garthoff, Dudley, Pa. DISPENSARY Eugene Burket, Everett, Pa. for 21 for Mrs. Richard May at her home. She received many nice and useful At a late hour refreshments were served to the made withini two years.

Inquiries may be made in per Richard Edmonson and son, Billy, son, or by writing to he Social treatment of puncture wound of Security Administration, Post Office Building, Altoona, Penna. following Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Clark, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank May, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, 'Mr. and Mrs- Paul Dicken, Mr. and left foot.

McKinley Collins, R. D. 4, Bedford, for treatment of sprain, Mrs. Charles Wigfield, Mr. and Mr.

ana Mrs. Morris Kay and Mrs. Ruth Smith. It was a farewell dinner for Mr. and Mrs.

Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Edmonson, who are moving to South Fork. Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Bland and son, George, of Cresson visited the Whitfield and Edmonson Wife Preservers Never before have we had such a tremendous demand for telephone service. Although we install a record number of telephones each month, the demand still increases. We are doing everything possible to speedily fill all requests for service. And when we have completed our job, the tremendous number of new installations will have increased the usefulness of the telephone to every subscriber in our community. setting a new record A PENNY POSTAL WILL DO Rotz new chick catalog tells all about ROTZ English type White Leghorns ROTZ White or Barred Plymouth Rocks and Buff Rocks ROTZ White Wyandotts, White and Red Rock Cross.

THERE are the varieties that will make you money' Write a postal vard for this free catalog. Raymond Rotz Poultry Farm Hatchery Phone 137-R-23 St. Thomas Exchange FORT LOUDON, PA. BOX 8E Mrs. Richard May, Mr.

and Mrs. Philip May, Mrs. Georgie Medlin, Mrs. Coy Mearkle, Linwood Mear kle, Ellis Klahre, Maxine May, Arlene, Victor and Junior Dicken, home Saturday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Zimmer Robert, Florence, Geraldine, man visited Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cathrine, Anna and Louise Med lin, John, Palmer, Marjorie, Mel- Tewell at Everett on Sunday. right groin.

Harry Ward, Everett, treated for compound fracture, first and second toes, right foot. Dwayne Gochnour, Everett, for x-rays of chest and abdomen. Raymond Winters, Breezewood R. D. 1, removal of splinter from left thumb.

Jessie M. Smith, Everett, for treatment of contusion and avulsion of fingernail, index finger of left hand. David Shauf, Everett, suturing of laceration, left eyebrow. Arnold Barn, McConnellsburg, ba, Ruth, Audrey, Leota and Iva Miss Ruth Livingston spent the Jean Snyder, Arlene Mearkle, Joanne Wigfield, Ruth, Betty, week-end with Hugh Mull and mother at Robertsdale. THE UNITED TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA Wilma, Velma and Pauline Smith Mrs.

Mary Koontz of Cypher spent Thursday with Mrs. Ernest Galen May, Arnold, Conda and Velma Clark. Soal; bacon in cclfl wator for a few minutes before fry. lt will curl less. Blake Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Whitfield and children were in Gettysburg on Saturday. for x-ray of chest. Charles Swindell, R.

D. 1, EV' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edmonson and William Edmonson and fiance, and William Huston of erett, for treatment of compound fracture, distal end, distal phal anx, little finger, right hand. Buffalo visited Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Edmonson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Edmonson and Mr. and Prank Bulger, Evtrett, suturing Ft fE Tt-'NEPO IMA SI St FlEfclLfNC AcROSEOAK KlfWAiePOT SEDAN HSfTMASTER SPORT SEDAN laceration of left index finger.

Mrs. Richard Edmonson over the Betty Leader, Everett, treated week-end. for contusion of left thumb. Mrs. Lou Pennell, Everett, Pa for x-ray of right shoulder.

Mr Mrs. John Barton and children of Hopewell R. D. visited the Blake home Friday evening. Crummel Snow, Everett, for treatment of laceration of left Mr.

and Mrs. Warren Dasher are the proud parents of a baby thumb. Boy born Jan. 14, named Franklin King. Mow on dkply LOYSBURG NEWS AND AIR FORCES HtETMASTER CttJB COU It was announced today by Master Sergeant Guy V.

Zindel of the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Dr.

Harold N. slu*tzker Successor to DR. EDWARD A. ROUSE (Deceased) ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE For the Practice of OPTOMETRY JANUARY 30, 1948 149 Main Street Everett, Pa. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CONTACT LENSES PRESCRIBED The installation of the latest scientific equipment and instruments make this office one of the most modern in Western Pennsylvania.

Your inspection is cordially solicited. Forces recruiting station located at Room 323 of the Post Office Building in Altoona that three youths of the Bedford District have enlisted in the Army ana Air Forces recently. Sgt. Zindel pointed out that any young man may choose the Mr. and Mrs.

Claude Steele of Martinsburg visited in the home of W. A. Nycum on Sunday. Tech. Sgt.

and Mrs. Glenn B. Ritchey and son, Michael, of Cherry Point, North Carolina, are visiting relatives here. Sgt. Ritchey expects to leave in a few days for Porto Rica.

Mrs. Ritchey and son will remain here wish relatives. Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth Snyder of Le Jeune, North Carolina, are spending some time with Mrs.

Snyder's mother, Mrs. Harvey Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Warden Ebersole spent Thursday in Altoona.

W. A. Nycum and W. E. Bossier are confined to their homes toy illness.

Miss Hope Ritchey is spending some time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fetter at Salem-ville. Jean, Mary, David and George Army technical school he wants before enlisting provided he has a high school education (or its equivalent) and is between the ages of 17 and 34. If he lacks a Newer! Smarter! Finer! see it! The new Chevrolet for Here's the one to see! Come and 1948 brings you new smartness oftoS gjg.cAR new interior luxun whh its greater value, QUALITY AT LOWEST COST An Chevrolet's the lowest-price hue Body fcy Fisner, price class combining su B'Sf Action Ride and Positive high school education he still can attend a technical school by es tablishing his qualifications after enlistment.

mi The local recruiting station at ntetV.ASTta CASWOIST the above address handles all details for the applicant by assisting in filling out the application OLD MAN WINTER IS ON HIS WAY Snyder spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warran Bechtel in Texas Corner. 7. Action Hydraulic other ma-, and more people want Chevro and seveI1 inde- according to official reg.str pendent nation-wide surveys.

CHEVROLET' Fl71 CRYSTAL SPRINGS Casting a white mantle over Making your home very disagreeable Causing dangerous drafts and costly fuel bills. the countryside the first real He will be I ftiv snooping down on your House these days snow fall of the season covered our hills and valleys to a depth of and taking care of all correspondence involved, Sgt. Zindel stated. The new enlistees are: Kenneth C. Harris, 37, and the son cf Mr.

Amos Harris and husband of Virginia K. Harris of 5 Gravel Hill, Bedford, enlisted for a period of three years for the Air Forces as a Sergeant. Harris was enlisted in the grade of Sergeant. He is the father of five children and served previously in the Army and various posts in the United States prior to going to C.B.I. and Saipan.

He has been awarded the Good Conduct Medal, the American theater medal, the C.B.I. Theater medal, the Asiatic Pacific Theatel medal and the Victory Medal for World from 6 to 8 inches on Saturday, with temperatures dropping. Mr. and Mrs- lrvin Akers and little daughter, Audrey, left Wednesday for Miami, Florida, where they Will visit relatives. Several homes were caused in convenience when water lines froze over the week-end.

Attendance was small at the War II. Akersville Sunday School last Sunday. Richard E. Beegle, 22, and the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Dalton P. Beegle of R. D. 1, New Paris, enlisted for a period of three years for the Armored Forces as a Private. He is a veteran of World War II, having served with Why not beat him to the punch by having your home insulated with Johns-Manville Blown Fireproof Rock Wool i Orange All Aluminium Storm Windows and Doors Save 60 of that heat loss, and live in comfort that pays for itself.

41 to 1 is the preference for JOHNS MANVILLE BLOWN FIRE PROOF ROCK WOOL Cumberland Home Insulation Co. When weather conditions are favorable, Ernest Duvall plans to move his sawmill to a new set. Answer to last week's Bible question: Psalm 107th chapter, verses 8, 15, 21 and 31 are exactly alike. For the next time read: The Golden Rule, Matt. "W.2; The Diamond Rule, Matt.

The Royal Rule, James 2:8. -i i Hjgy nruMSn. wsiwh towt tmsuu, aw smT to, stow the Navy for 32 months. Alvin F. Hale, 17, and the son of Mrs.

Ruth Hale of 111 W. Pitt Bedford, enlisted in the Armored Force as a private for three years. Prior to enlistment, he attended school in Bedford. A. Earns Sons Co.

J. Merril Reed The Everett Press has a larger advertising coverage in this trading area than any other newspaper in the world. There's no better time than now to have your portrait made. Brodton Studios. Everett, Pa.

Phone 81W Albert Borkman, Owner Everett, Pa..

Everett Press from Everett, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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